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[CSS3] References Transitions, Transforms, Animations References Online W3C: CSS Transitions Module Level 3 W3C: CSS 2D Transforms Module Level 3 W3C: CSS 3D Transforms Module Level 3 W3C: CSS Animations Module Level 3 Surfin' Safari (check the archives) David Desandro's 3D transform examples 2014. 2. 26.
[CSS3] Notes on browser support Notes On Browser Support CSS Transitions l Safari 3.2: 13/11/2008 l Firefox 4.0: Late 2010 l Chrome 1.0: 02/09/2008 l Opera 10.5: 02/03/2010 l Internet Explorer 10: 09/2011 CSS Animations l Safari 4.0: 11/06/2008 l Chrome 1.0: 02/09/2008 l Firefox 5: 20/04/2011 l IE 10: 09/2011 l Opera: 03/2012 CSS 2D Transformations l Safari 3.2: 13/11/2008 l Firefox 3.5: 30/06/2009 l Chrome 1.0: 02/09/2008 l O.. 2014. 2. 26.
[CSS3] CSS Animation CSS Animation How to use CSS3 animation The CSS animation feature was introduced into Webkit in 2007. In 2009 a working draft was written and added to the w3c site. Over the next three years support was gained by Firefox, Internet Explorer and finally Opera. To use CSS animation, you first specify some keyframes for the animation - basically what styles will the element have at certain times. Th.. 2014. 2. 26.
[CSS3] CSS 3D Transforms CSS 3D Transforms 3D CSS transforms are similar to 2D CSS transforms. The basic properties are translate3d, scale3d, rotateX, rotateY and rotateZ. translate3d and scale3d take three arguments for x,y and z, whereas the rotates just take an angle 1. rotateX [rotateX]파프리카는 칼로리가 낮고 수분함량이 많아 갈증해소에 도움을 주며 다른 채소와 달리 기름과 함께 익혀 섭취했을 때도 영양소가 파괴되지 않아 샐러드로 좋다 2. rotateY [rotateY]파프리카는 칼로리가 낮고 수분함량이 많아 갈증해소.. 2014. 2. 26.